Creating choice in the contact centre - Connect | CcaaS | AI and Cloud Contact Centre Solutions | Network Services Specialist

Creating choice in the contact centre.

‘Optichannel’ as the next generation of omnichannel.

Give your customers what they want with optichannel contact centre capabilities.

Modern consumers are demand and discerning. They want choice. They want a seamless customer experience (CX). And, most importantly, they want to dictate their own path to fulfilment.

Is your contact centre equipped to give them what they want?

Meeting these demands is no longer just about channels. What will set your contact centre apart from your competitors is how their preferred channel facilitate a connected, fluid and frictionless experience.

Optichannel contact centre capabilities – the next evolution in the contact centre modernisation journey – puts the customer in control and allows them to select the channel most suited to their needs, situation, location, and context.

This e-book contextualises the need, impact and benefits of providing your customers with an optichannel customer experience.

A few of the performance highlights you’ll read about in the use cases include:

  • A 25% increase in Customer interactions handled with AI & Automation.
  • 15-20% saved on technology and telco costs through seamless UC integrations.
  • 15% improvement in service levels, creating a differentiated CX.
  • A less than 5% call abandonment rate with blended channels.

It’s the ideal place to start your journey to true optichannel contact centre capabilities.

About Connect

Connect are the independent communications experts who can transform how your organisation communicates – both internally and externally. We deliver solutions and services that join up your employee and customer communications across platforms, across sites and across countries, in three core areas: Contact Centre Solutions, Unified Communications and Network Services. We provide simple, elegant solutions to the most complex problems.