Future of the Contact Centre | Whitepaper | Connect

Future of the Contact Centre.

Connect & Five9 Future of the Contact Centre Whitepaper front cover

Seen through the achievements of recent award winners and conference keynotes, it is clear just how rapidly UK contact centres are transforming. Enabled by technology, the very best organisations are re-imagining how they interact with customers and deliver memorable outcomes.

In doing so, these pioneers set new standards others will use as benchmarks in the years to come. For instance, they already leverage the combined power of cloud platforms and AI technologies to scale, flex and customise customer/colleague experience in real-time. A quantum leap for those still operating legacy infrastructure. These leaders often have similar characteristics and behaviours. They have empowered cultures that motivate. And they use automation strategically to refocus people where they can add unique human value. As such, their commercial and operating models are more resilient and profitable than legacy equivalents.

All this is being played out in a world that has become quite different. Relative to pre-pandemic times, it is now characterised by shortages in supply, labour and individual resilience. Consumers are getting used to more of their favourite things being less available. Organisations are re-learning what it takes to find and keep employees whose work-life priorities have changed. And an expanding pool of vulnerable customers and colleagues reflects how the pandemic has depleted individual resilience – making empathy a boardroom topic in the process.

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